We adopt the most advanced materials and well-equiped instuments and devices in accordance with the latest international standards, so that our IT8 targets have the following advantages:
Scanner Color Correction
Printer Color Correction
Photographic Color Correction
with Shipment
We accept Paypal only.
You need submit your complete and correct address and other requests in Paypal transaction.
Thank you for purchasing and using our IT8 target. Here are the download link of its reference files. The reference files we provide are in line with international standards. Any profile software that supports the international standard format can use our targets and reference files, including but not limited to Silverfast, Vuescan, Profilemaker, Profile Prism, ArgyllsCMS etc, :
CRC2024.05.21 CR2023.10.13 CR2023.07.31
CR2023.06.22 CR2023.06.13 CR2023.04.08
CR2023.03.06 CR2023.02.15 CR2023.01.08
CR2022.10.15 CR2022.10.10 CR2022.09.16
CR2022.08.15 CR2022.05.18 CR2021.04.05
CR2021.02.02 CR2020.09.02 CR2020.01.08
CR2020.01.03 CR2019.11.16 CR2019.02.13
CR2018.11.23 CR2018.06.31 CR2017.07.29
CR2016.11.08 CR2016.06.26 CR2015.09.02
CR2015.03.01 CR2014.10.08 CR2014.05.02
CR2013.11.31 CR2013.06.29 CR2013.01.25
You can contact us via submitting the following form or directly write email to admin@colorruler.de , both are the same.
Manufacture: ColorRuler Image Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany
Email: admin@colorruler.de Website:https://www.colorruler.de